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Gates open | 8.35am |
School Begins | 8.45am (Whole School) |
Morning Break | 10.15am-10.30am (Reception and KS1) |
Morning Break | 10.30am-10.45am (Lower KS2) 10.45am-11.00am (Upper KS2) |
Lunch | 11.30am-1.00pm (Reception) 11.50am-1.00pm (KS1) |
Lunch | 12.00pm-1.00pm (Lower KS2) 12.00pm-1.00pm (Upper KS2) |
Afternoon Break | 2.00pm-2.15pm (Reception and KS1) |
Afternoon Break | 2.15pm-2.30pm (Year 3) |
School Ends | 3.10pm (Reception & Year 1) 3.15pm (Year 2, Lower KS2) 3.20pm (Upper KS2) |
Hours in school week 32 hours 30 minutes