Curriculum Intent
At Lowercroft, we offer a curriculum which is broad and balanced, and which builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills of all children, whatever their starting points, as they progress through each Key Stage. Our curriculum is designed to inspire a desire to learn so that all our children leave us as confident, well rounded individuals who have a love of learning that will secure a bright future as they move into secondary education and beyond.
Our curriculum is linked to the latest National Curriculum requirements, but it is also personalised and carefully designed for the local context of our school and tailored to the diverse needs of our learners.
Careful analysis and discussion about our pupils’ backgrounds, life experiences and culture has helped us to design a curriculum that represents the world we live in and provides our children with the experiences, skills and knowledge they need to function as responsible, enthusiastic young people and adults in the 21st Century.
As soon as children join our school they learn about Lowercroft’s values – Inspire, Encourage and Achieve, and what it means to be good person. Our whole curriculum is underpinned by our values and they are embedded into daily learning at Lowercroft. They are qualities which we fully believe will sustain children throughout their lives.
Our curriculum provides our children with secure subject knowledge and key skills, plus the confidence and self-belief to lead a happy and fulfilling life, by encouraging them to aim high and work towards their goals and aspirations.
Wonderful displays surround our school, demonstrating the exciting, engaging topics we are learning across the curriculum, as well as celebrating children’s feeling of success and showcasing just how hard working and talented they are. We have high expectations of every child and are very proud of all their achievements.
There are many aspects of our provision which we feel truly enhance learning for all our pupils across the curriculum, to further develop, deepen and broaden their understanding. (See Appendix 1 for examples of the wide range of experiences we provide)
Lowercroft’s curriculum aims to provide:
Curriculum Map
We have carefully organised and planned our curriculum to ensure children are not merely covering content but achieving a depth to their learning which enables them to apply their skills and understanding in other contexts. It is designed to allow for revisiting, practising and embedding of subject knowledge and skills. This is because we believe that building in opportunities to revisit previous learning allows children to develop a deeper understanding of concepts rather than simply acquiring new facts and knowledge.
Our curriculum map outlines the learning undertaken each term, from Reception through to Year 6. Each unit is carefully designed to ensure clear progression of knowledge, understanding and skills learned across school. It is customised to allow children to benefit from a full range of academic, spiritual moral, social and cultural activities.
Cross curricular links are made whenever possible to deepen understanding, to allow enquiry-based learning to occur and to really immerse children in the context of more meaningful and purposeful learning. In Reception and Key Stage 1 cross curricular links are mostly made from a topic theme (eg Explorers), or based around a key text in English. Themed days for Art are opportunities to explore an artist’s works and techniques in some depth. In KS2 cross curricular links continue to be made but by the time our children leave Year 6 they are ready for the subject specific learning that takes place at high school and they have more understanding about the specific skills needed to be an effective historian or geologist for example.
Lowercroft children are actively involved in questioning, hypothesising and driving their learning forward. Whilst our curriculum covers statutory content, we let the children direct their learning whenever possible (eg starting learning based on their existing knowledge; steering lessons to match their interests; finding out what they want to explore further; helping them to find answer to questions that they raise). As a result, our topic themes may change as the year progresses, to reflect children’s current interests, and/or current local/wider community issues. Our curriculum is organic. It is reviewed regularly and tailored to match current interests and needs.
Our curriculum is designed to ensure that every pupil is holistically prepared for 'what comes next'. Pupils leave Lowercroft Primary School with a solid foundation of knowledge and skills which can be built on as they move on to the next stage of their education. Our curriculum ensures they have an understanding of how to contribute positively to the wider community, be culturally responsible and globally aware. We intend for all our pupils to leave Lowercroft respectful, skillful and ambitious, with curiosity and a passion to continue to learn with a thirst for life and all it has to offer.
For more information about our curriculum please contact the Headteacher Mrs McGadie.