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MFL - Spanish


To develop confidence and competence of every child at Lowercroft Primary School in Spanish. We want all children to be passionate and confident about their foreign language abilities when they leave Lowercroft Primary School. We will help them develop and demonstrate substantial progress in all four modalities and grammar. We will ensure all pupils develop a solid foundation in key language skills, preparing them for KS3. We will extend their knowledge of how language works and explore the similarities and differences between Spanish and English. We will also deepen their understanding about culture in other countries.

The intent is that all pupil develop a genuine interest and positive curiosity about Modern Foreign Languages and to help them become life-long lingusists.


Teaching and Learning

Lowercroft Primary School’s approach to language teaching and learning is in line with the National Curriculum and requirements in the DofE Programme of study for KS2.


Organisation and Delivery

Spanish is taught in a whole school setting. Lessons are planned using Language Angels and teachers supplement this with their own ideas and experience.

Lessons are designed to motivate, captivate and interest all pupils. All lessons have clear achievable objectives and incorporate all learning styles. SEN will be able to access the curriculum via varying tasks and support.

Each class will timetable at least 30 minutes per week for Spanish. Lessons can be revisited during the week to ensure retention.

Lessons include: PowerPoints and interactive resources, interactive games, songs and raps, differentiated consolidation tasks and worksheets. All resources can be found on Language Angels, teachers are able to source resources that suit the needs of their class elsewhere.


Evidence of Teaching and Learning

Worksheets may be kept in books or folders which can be passed through KS2 to build a portfolio for their learning. Pictures, videos and voice recordings may be uploaded to Seesaw to centralise their work.


Assessment of Pupil Learning and Progression

The progression of pupils in all four modalities will be assessed. Worksheets will show progression across a unit or year. Spoken language will be assessed actively in lessons and at the end of a taught unit. Each child will write phrases/ sentences based on their unit.


Our MFL Journey
