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Year 6 Miss Savery


Welcome to Year 6 - a year all about gaining confidence, independence and building resilience ready for their next big step, High School! In Year 6, the children consolidate all of their learning throughout their time at Lowercroft and gain more responsibility by taking an active part in our school community. Year 6 have many opportunities to push themselves out of their comfort zone, be it in applying to be a School House Captain, the lead role in our end of year play or even to be a responsible mentor and guide to their reception buddy. However, most importantly, we work as a wolf pack to continue to foster a love of learning, and even have a little bit of fun along the way!

Year 6 Yearly Overview 2024/25

Spelling is taught by following the guidelines and word lists as set out in the National Curriculum Appendix 1. You can find the list of spelling conventions and statutory spelling words relevant for Years 5 & 6 on page 18.

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